Monday, 24 August 2009

Don't bring me flowers after I'm dead..

I'm feeling slightly emotional retarded right now. Actually, scrap that, I'm feeling totally emotional drained.
The weekend was okay, had plenty of up's and down's.
My head is pretty all over the place right now.. Not sure where I stand with someone, which is driving me insane. I like to know exactly what's what, and when I don't, my mind tends to waver and work overtime.
I really dislike it when someone gives you hopes and prospects and then they are shattered by finding out what that person really wants. Okay, I know that's not making much sense, but to me it does.
I have this friend - who well, I love to pieces. Strictly just on a friendship basis, obviously I find her very attractive and things did go what some would say 'waaay past the friendship point' not so long back. It was good. Didn't change a thing which I liked. But, her mood constantly changes from day to day. And sometimes I really feel like I'm walking on eggshells. She sometimes makes me feel as though I've done something wrong, when deep down I know I haven't. I think she's just a little confused in life at the moment?!
Anyway, getting to the main point I'm mentioning her : She asked me a question earlier "If you had something on your mind that you feel you really need to tell somebody, but you know/thought it wouldn't make a difference to the person you were saying it to, would you still tell them?". I answered with "Personally, I would. Because even though you feel like it's not gonna change how they feel or think, it's a weight off your mind and puts you at ease knowing you've got something off your chest."
At the end of the message after asking me that questiong she stated "It's not about you!". This automatically makes me think that it is. Or else she wouldn't have said that right? If she hadn't have that, I wouldn't have thought it was about me. Now I do, and I'm dying to know actually what she is talking about. Don't you just hate it when people do that?! So annoying.
Okay, so now I'm just completely rambling. My mind is like one giant rambling right now, with a whole load of thoughts and feelings going on.
Gay pride at the weekend. Was kinda looking forward to it, now I'm kinda not. For certain reasons we shall not talk about because I'll be here typing til xmas.
I'm currently watching CSI. I have a slight obsession with this programme.. But, it baffles me a little. When they go on crime scenes they don't wear any protective clothing or things to cover up their hair, surely that's contaminating the scene? I know it's a drama fictionally series, but you would think they would make it more realistic!.. That's just proved my point, I THINK WAY TOO MUCH!!!
Really obsessed with the song "Don't bring me flowers after I'm dead" hense the title of the blog post. It makes me think about certain aspects of my life.. Not the best of ones, but still. It makes me think..
Gosh, now I'm thinking about me thinking too much.... It's making my head hurt!!!!!

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